Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Just another day of nothing

I didn't last very long not eating junk.  I had a candy bar yesterday.  I want ice cream today.  I haven't exercised with the exception of 10 squats yesterday.  I got a really good work out plan going hey!?  So I guess that is all I have to say.  I'm not doing much of anything these days.  I do watch a lot of Vampire Diaries.  We are behind and in season 3 which is still way behind.  That's probably why I am not doing too well. Ha!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Starting Over AGAIN

I lost 53 pounds 3 years ago and gained almost all of it back.  I've decided that gaining 41 pounds back it's time to get back on track.  I don't need to gain all 53 or more to make a change.  I often wondered how other people could lost so much weight and gain it back. After I lost all that weight I knew I would never go back.  It isn't so easy to keep weight off. Actually, once I got in the groove of losing weight it was much easier to do that than maintain it afterwards.  

 (Tell me why my husband still likes to take pictures of me even though I look horrible.  I think it is to rub it in and make fun of me because it can't be that he finds me hot and sexy like he says he does.  Seriously, do you see that ass, it's atrocious.)   

Do you wonder how that happened?  Why would someone spend the better part of a year getting healthy only to backslide and feel miserable again?  Good question and one that I hope to uncover because I don't want to do this again.  I believe that some people are naturally more active and move a lot and with others it is just the opposite.  For me I'm definitely the opposite.  I could sit and read or write for hours, or watch movies all day.  It really takes being purposeful to get me up and moving.  That being said, I love doing active things.  I even love exercising depending on what it is.  I just don't like to jump up and down, it give me a headache.  

It might interest you to know that I am 5'4" tall. I don't know how much I weighed in the picture above but I was on my way up the scale.  I'm about 181 now so that picture is either right around that or a little bit less.  I am small boned so I can gain weight and it not show up in clothes right away.  Honestly, I didn't realize how bad I looked that day.  I also didn't know until today (many months later) that my husband took this picture.  He's always doing that and it drives me crazy.  

So, I need to get back in shape and today is the day to start.  It's our anniversary.  We've been married 21 years and together 24.  How time flies.  I have 41 pounds to lose and I would like to have half of it gone by the end of the year (which is also right after my 46th birthday).  I'll be chronicling my journey here with notes and pictures.  I'm doing it more for me than you but if it can help someone then that is even better.  

Friday, June 17, 2011


I'm not Catholic but I do have a confession to make.  I did not workout at all today.  I even missed my morning walk.  I also had 3 oreos and some beef jerkey as well as a super yummy chimi from one of our favorite authentic Mexican restaurants.  I don't know if I feel bad about this which makes me think that I don't.  Only the Oreos were an emotional binge and now they are gone. But I found some other food my husband bought still in the fridge.  (go to the beginning to read about that)  We are going for a walk tonight so all is not lost and I will work out tomorrow to make up for today.  What did you do right today?  What do you wish you would have done better?  How can you make tomorrow a better day than today?

Until tomorrow!

I have issues - one of them is my weight

I have issues just like everyone else.  So this blog will focus mainly on getting fit and how I do it.  Maybe you can do it too. 

Let's get started.  First a few thoughts that are really common sense.
  • eat too much - gain weight
  • exercise too little  - gain weight
  • excessive sugar, fat and alcohol are BAD
  • strength training is good for everyone - do not cheat yourself
  • if you don't stretch or don't do it correctly you will probably end up with injuries, aches and pains
  • it's up to you if you want to get fit and healthy - you have to do it for yourself and others will benefit
I could go on and on with a list but I won't.  Let me tell you a little about myself though.  I have not been overweight all my life.  About 20 years ago I started to eat emotionally to deal with many new stresses in my life.  It took a few years to gain weight but when I did I ended up almost 70 pounds overweight.  A couple of years ago I decided to get more serious about changing that.  I'd tried many times but never stuck to it. This time was different.  I lost over 50 pounds and reached my first goal with only 5-10 pounds left to lose.  Then I gained 15 back so I now have about 20 pounds to lose to reach my ultimate goal (I think 25 will be too hard to maintain).  I eat very well about 90% of the day but that last 10% ruins all my work.  Don't let that happen to you.  It's so not worth it and I want to kick my a$$ every day for letting my emotions rule over me.  I continue to recommit daily.  I know that as long as I make this a priority I will succeed.  It just might take longer than I would like.